E.R.C. Packaging
A division of E.R.Cornish Pty. Ltd. ABN 47 004 308 712

Copyright ERC Packaging 2011

Bag Sealers

- Impulse

- Constant Heat

- Rotary Band

L-Bar Sealers

- Manual

- Semi Automatic

- Full Automatic

- Side Sealers

Shrink Tunnels

- Radiant heat

- Steam

- Over-conveyor


Container Sealers

- Manual

- Semi Automatic

- Full Automatic

- Gas Flushing


Other Sealers

- Vacuum

- Induction

- Ultra Sonic



- Horizontal

- Vertical

Shrink Labels

- Applicators

- Labels & Sleeves






Over-Wrappers ( Cello-wrappers )
Cello overwrappers are used for many applications such as chocolate boxes, cigarette packs, playing cards, chewing gum, CD’s, DVDs and other assorted boxed products. Whilst commonly called a cello wrapper these machines are suitable not only for cellophane but other high gloss films such as BOPP and OPP/PE laminate.

Laminated foils can also be used. Films may be printed or plain and these machines can be fitted with a tear tap application device to allow for easy  wrap removal by the end user.  Various models are available to suit many  pack sizes and machines can be designed and made to allow for a variety of pack sizes to be performed on the one machine with simple change-over parts. Special machines can also be supplied to suit unusually shaped packs such as round soaps, confectionery etc.

Depending on pack size average packing speed is between 50-100 packs per minute.

Contact us with your pack size/s and we will be able to assist you with a model to suit your requirements.