E.R.C. Packaging
A division of E.R.Cornish Pty. Ltd. ABN 47 004 308 712

Copyright ERC Packaging 2011

Bag Sealers

- Impulse

- Constant Heat

- Rotary Band

L-Bar Sealers

- Manual

- Semi Automatic

- Full Automatic

- Side Sealers

Shrink Tunnels

- Radiant heat

- Steam

- Over-conveyor


Container Sealers

- Manual

- Semi Automatic

- Full Automatic

- Gas Flushing


Other Sealers

- Vacuum

- Induction

- Ultra Sonic



- Horizontal

- Vertical

Shrink Labels

- Applicators

- Labels & Sleeves






Induction Sealers
Induction sealers are used to place a liner material across the top of containers or bottles that use caps for closure. There is an extensive range of liner materials available to suit most container or bottle materials such as PET, PLA, PE, Glass and PP.  The liner material is placed into the cap and then passes under an induction sealer.  Upon removal of the cap by the end user the liner material remains bonded to the opening of the container so that the customer is assured of no outside contamination or tampering.  Induction sealers start at the basic hand held bench top model with inline conveyor models also available.  Inline systems can include filling, cap unscrambling, cap fitting, cap tightening, induction sealing and even labelling.