E.R.C. Packaging
A division of E.R.Cornish Pty. Ltd. ABN 47 004 308 712

Copyright ERC Packaging 2011

Bag Sealers

- Impulse

- Constant Heat

- Rotary Band

L-Bar Sealers

- Manual

- Semi Automatic

- Full Automatic

- Side Sealers

Shrink Tunnels

- Radiant heat

- Steam

- Over-conveyor


Container Sealers

- Manual

- Semi Automatic

- Full Automatic

- Gas Flushing


Other Sealers

- Vacuum

- Induction

- Ultra Sonic



- Horizontal

- Vertical

Shrink Labels

- Applicators

- Labels & Sleeves






Semi automatic L-Bar Sealers
Semi automatic models are the next stage up from the manual models and can provide a faster packing speed.  After the product is placed between the two layers of the centrefold shrink film and taken into the seal area the operator lowers the sealing arm which is then held in place with an adjustable timed magnet. Upon completion of the sealing cycle the sealing arm will release and the pack is then taken away via a timed motorised conveyor.  This allows the operator to be preparing the next pack whilst the previous pack is being sealed and discharged.  The 2 standard seal area size models available are 450mm x 450mm and the larger 600mm x 800mm.  The height of the seal area/conveyor can be adjusted to accommodate higher packs.   These models are also available with a built in shrink tunnel to reduce required floor space or may be used with a separate Shrink Tunnel.  Ideal for use with the ERC range of high quality shrink films.