E.R.C. Packaging
A division of E.R.Cornish Pty. Ltd. ABN 47 004 308 712

Copyright ERC Packaging 2011

Bag Sealers

- Impulse

- Constant Heat

- Rotary Band

L-Bar Sealers

- Manual

- Semi Automatic

- Full Automatic

- Side Sealers

Shrink Tunnels

- Radiant heat

- Steam

- Over-conveyor


Container Sealers

- Manual

- Semi Automatic

- Full Automatic

- Gas Flushing


Other Sealers

- Vacuum

- Induction

- Ultra Sonic



- Horizontal

- Vertical

Shrink Labels

- Applicators

- Labels & Sleeves






Side seal machines are the next step up from automatic L-Bar sealers.  Rather than having a predetermined seal area, Side Sealers are fitted with a continuous machine direction sealing line which allows for much longer length products to be bagged or shrink-wrapped.  The electronic eye sensor means that even if a short length is placed into the machine after a longer one the length is automatically set by the machine with no need of setting changes by the operator. These units are the next generation shrink wrap systems and are faster, more efficient and use a narrower film than a compatible automatic L Bar sealer.  The two standard models available are 400mm and 600mm Transverse Direction ( TD ) sealing arms.  Depending on pack size speeds of up to 60 pcs per minute are obtainable.
Side Seal Machines