E.R.C. Packaging
A division of E.R.Cornish Pty. Ltd. ABN 47 004 308 712

Copyright ERC Packaging 2011

Bag Sealers

- Impulse

- Constant Heat

- Rotary Band

L-Bar Sealers

- Manual

- Semi Automatic

- Full Automatic

- Side Sealers

Shrink Tunnels

- Radiant heat

- Steam

- Over-conveyor


Container Sealers

- Manual

- Semi Automatic

- Full Automatic

- Gas Flushing


Other Sealers

- Vacuum

- Induction

- Ultra Sonic



- Horizontal

- Vertical

Shrink Labels

- Applicators

- Labels & Sleeves






Ultra sonic
Ultra sonic sealers are used to seal the ends of pre-capped tubes such as toothpaste, paint, condensed milk etc.  High frequency ultra sonic sound is used as a sealing method to provide consistent high quality seals.  These units can be provided as simple manual bench top units  or can be incorporated into more automatic filling / sealing systems.
Simple hand held jaw model is available for clam shell sealing.